Jiaogulan Benefits : Mental Health and Uses
Nowadays, it's undeniable that most people have more stress caused by many factors, such as a hard day working or studying. Moreover,stress can affect your physical, mental, or emotional reactions, for instance, headache, digestive issues, insomnia, moodiness, anxiety, depression, etc.
Some people have their activities to relieve their stress. But in this article, we will talk about anatural herb to heal your mental health; Jiaogulan!
Jiaogulan is...
What is Jiaogulan?
"Jiaogulan" in the scientific name is Gynostemma pentaphyllum (GP). Jiaogulan tea is one type of herbal tea gaining widespread popularity, and it is caffeine-free. It is also known as southern ginseng, sweet tea vine, and fairy herb. Jiaogulan is found chiefly in Thailand, China, and Asian nations. Therefore Jiaogulan is authentic to Thailand; it is generally grown in northern Thailand.
Jiaogulan: The Immortality Herb
Most people say "Jiaogulan is called the immortality herb" Because It contains a saponin component calledGypenoside, an active substance similar to natural ginseng. However, Jiaogulan hassevenfold more benefits than ginsengat a lower cost. Therefore, it's popular to use as extracts. Jiaogulan is also anadaptogenic herbal remedywith a broad range of health benefits, such aspromoting mental health, reducing stress, anti-aging, protecting and boosting the immune system, etc. That's why Jiaogulan is the immortality herb!
Jiaogulan is an adaptogenic herb
Adaptogenic or Adaptogenis a natural herbal extract that is effective in physical and mental health. Its main properties arestress-fighting effectsthat help maintain normal levels of stress hormones. Adaptogen also helpsbalance your bodyandrelax both your body and mind.
Jiaogulan treats insomnia
The adaptogenic properties of Jiaogulan may helptreat insomnia. Studies show that adaptogens canhelp relieve pain and inflammation, which could be factors keeping someone awake at night. Including helpingpromote better sleepand helpful inreducing anxiety and stress.
Jiaogulan can help memory loss causes Depression & Anxiety
The adaptogenic properties of Jiaogulan may helptreat insomnia. Studies show that adaptogens canhelp relieve pain and inflammation, which could be factors keeping someone awake at night. Including helpingpromote better sleepand helpful inreducing anxiety and stress.

Uses of Jiaogulan
Jiaogulan has many potentials physical and mental health benefits. It's used as an herbal extract such as medicine, supplements, or tea. Jiaogulan is consumed popularly as a Jiaogulan tea. Because it is easy to drink, has no caffeine, and benefits directly from tea leave rather than processing them into medicines or supplements. Jiaogulan tea also provides a slightly bitter taste and mildly green tea flavor, favorites for herbal tea lovers!
Drinking Jiaogulan tea is recommended three or four times daily; morning, noon, evening, and night. Especially before bedtime is good for your body and mental health because Jiaogulan tea helps to detox your stomach and intestine. Besides, it makes you feel relaxed and be better sleep.
Our Product
Organic Jiaogulan - Gynostemma Tea 100 g (3.52 oz)Organic Jiaogulan - Gynostemma Tea 100 g (3.52 oz)
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$14.00 - Regular price
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Organic Butterfly Pea 35 g (1.23 oz)Organic Butterfly Pea 35 g (1.23 oz)
- Regular price
$7.00 - Regular price
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